Take care of your heart, because everything flows from it

For many people who attend to a cardiologist, the main medical recommendation they receive is probably to perform physical activity to improve their health or for heart disease prevention, since sedentary lifestyle is very bad for these kind of diseases; and if it is precisely the heart, there is a type of exercise that even borrows its name, we are talking about the cardiovascular activity, best known as “cardio” within the slang fitness.


The etymology of the word “heart” gives us a clue of why this kind of exercise is so important, since it is capable of benefiting our entire system. Cardio can improve the functioning of our heart, lungs and circulatory system; and for those who seek to keep their health in good condition, specialists recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity in moderate-intensity, preferably every day of the week.


The muscles of people who regularly practice cardio are able to store more carbohydrates than sedentary bodies, allowing them to better tolerate post-training demands.
Many people think that cardio only works to lose weight or reduce fatigue, but the benefits it offers are much wider. For example, important benefits are obtained in the treatment of cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and even in mental health.


Here we have 10 benefits of cardio, which have been proven scientifically:


  • It improves the cardiovascular system.
  • Burning calories
  • Release tensions.
  • Stimulates memory.
  • It helps to socialize by doing exercises that are practiced in teams.
  • It improves flexibility.
  • Strengthens the bones.
  • Boost self-esteem.
  • Tones the body
  • Improve coordination.


If by knowing this, now you want to start doing cardio we have different options for you; you can choose the one you like the most depending on the level of intensity you want to incorporate.


High impact cardiovascular exercise:

This is done when both feet take off from the floor at the same time at some point during the exercise, such as: running, dancing and jumping. If you want to start doing this kind of exercise you can watch one of our StepFlix classes on Youtube, for example, this StepFlix Jump Rope cardio fitness workout is going to help you finding greater health benefits; or if you are one of those who love dancing you can try this Samba cardio fitness class will help you burn calories, having fun at the same time.



Low impact cardiovascular exercise:

It is one where at least one foot touches the floor at all times. Examples of these are: walking on elliptical machines and climbing machines. These types of exercises are a safer alternative for people suffering from osteoporosis or who are at risk of breaking any bone. We suggest to alternate training with low impact exercises, in order to reduce the risk of getting injuries caused by high impact exercise.
According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization daily we must take a minimum of 10,000 steps to achieve improvements in our body. In fact, studies have shown that people who walk for more than 5000 steps daily are less likely to develop obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes.


Cardiovascular exercise without impact:

The most common are swimming and cycling, they can be a safe alternative for people recovering from an injury or with foot problems. Cardiovascular without impact is very beneficial to improve heart health, lose weight and reduce the risk of developing diseases.


Deciding which is the best form of cardiovascular exercise for you, depends on your needs, goals, and abilities, however, keep in mind that you can alternate and mix them all, as long as you are enjoying what you are doing and your heart feels that it is right, helping in your own heart disease prevention.