Dance therapy and its influence on lifestyle

Although “Rumbatherapy” has its origins in Europe, currently, this discipline is very well received not only by the Latin American public but also worldwide; nowadays, sports, physical and recreational exercises bring many health benefits to society in general through the development of different activities, among which musical movements stand out, did you know that these work as a relaxing therapy, allowing you to maintain a balance between the body and the emotional?. In today’s blog, we will know the contributions that Dance and music generate to our rhythm of life.

Dance therapy

Known in many parts as “Rumbatherapy,” “dance therapy,” “Zumba,” or “aerobics,” this discipline is nothing more than the art of mixed musicalized movements accompanied by multiple sounds and musical genres.

One of the most frequent problems in today’s society are stress and eating disorders, which negatively affect people’s health because they are consequences of other factors such as cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal, diabetes, depressive disorders, and endless causes.

Nowadays, many alternatives help to combat all these ills, such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, and frequent distraction. Still, without a doubt, one of the most fun, complete and adequate is rumbatherapy because, through dance, we add fun and style and exercises to our body. However, the Latinos say, “dancing is to give rhythm and flavor to life.”

Benefits of music and dance

Dance helps to work both the mind and all parts of the body. In addition, it helps to improve the physical condition of anyone who decides to adopt this discipline to their lifestyle. In the same way, it allows the strengthening of the muscular and cardiovascular systems.

The best dance company is music. After all, they end up being 2 in 1, and in turn, both help reduces stress and benefit motor skills and bilateral coordination (right and left part).

These and many more are reasons that can be taken into account to practice dance or rumbatherapy.

Activates and improves blood circulation in our body.
It improves breathing by strengthening the lungs.
Regulates blood pressure.
Strengthens muscles and bones, helping to prevent diseases related to them.
It helps in enhancing reflexes
Conditions the joint flexibility of the body
It reduces cholesterol and toxic substances in the body and regulates body weight.

The art of dance is of the utmost importance as physical activity, as it prevents heart disease and diabetes and even helps breast and colon cancer. In addition, many studies demonstrate the essence of avoiding Alzheimer’s through this discipline.

How to do the rumba?

At the sound of the “Five, six, seven and…”, that energetic moment begins in which the body gets carried away by a rhythm, and the brain starts to measure its coordination.

For the first phase of a rumbatherapy, it is essential to start with a warm-up that is carried out between 5 and 10 minutes; after this, the heart rate is gradually raised to the sound of the music, where subsequently, a variation of movements accompanied by a musical mix are added.

Among the most used genres to dance rumbatherapy are merengue, salsa, samba, afro, reggaeton, and bachata; all are essential to reach a climax. Melodies are also used that are essential to gently decrease the heart rate until you get a cooling down with very calm rhythms that give way to a stretching or body relaxation.

In these routines, it is essential to maintain hydration to balance the agitation, the product of the series of intense movements, in which 45 to 55 minutes are enough to make a whole musical journey (more extensive routines can be performed).

Finally, a good stretch is essential to consciously oxygenate the body and relax the muscles to counteract physical exhaustion.

Now that you know the benefits of music and dance and that both are good tools to keep fit dynamically, know StepFlix does it have a great variety of dances and musical genres with which you can free your body from all kinds of stress and keep fit through these multiple rhythms? Know its great route and variety in dance, and get ready to put “rhythm and flavor” to your life.


Read more: Connect with the dancer within you and step into your best self.