Human beings are designed for dancing

Charles Darwin was the first scientist who suggested that dancing could be part of human evolution, if this is true the ability to dance must somehow relate to the ability to survive. It turns out that early humans who had dance skills such as coordination, symmetry and rhythm tended to develop other characteristics like to run faster or to be more resistant, allowing themselves to defend against their predators; so as a matter of fact, dancing has saved lives since prehistory.

Why are humans compelled to dance to music?

It has something to do with the fact that our brain is directly connected to the motor areas, for example, music stimulates the cerebellum at the base of the brain, which is involved in the timing and coordination of movement. Music has a strong effect in our brains, that makes us react in certain way, scientists call that effect “groove”. Naturally dancing activates sensory and motor neurons, the effect of both in our brain let us synchronize our steps with music. When we dance we also produce neurotransmitters that potentialize our sensibility allowing us to experience a deep connection not only with ourselves but also with our environment.


Other than that we produce oxytocin, a hormone that increases confidence and fearlessness, which means that when we dance we free ourselves, as we empower our character, forgetting how other people perceive us and caring more about our feelings, and then that is how we are able to transform those feelings into movements. If you want to start getting a basic notion of feeling the music you can take this StepFlix class, a warm up that is going to help you to connect with yourself and dance any style you want.



Humans define themselves through their movements

Movements associated with good dancing are indicative of good health and reproductive potential; think this for a second, when a guy likes a girl and wants to call her attention, what does he do? he steps forward and makes “the move”. All our world is defined by movements, we are what we do. Ironically many people feel they can’t dance or dancing isn’t for them, but what they don’t know is that as human beings, they carry the dance in their blood, our natural instincts allow us to communicate through movement.


Dancing has been an universal language since the beginning of humanity, it has linked us with many cultures and has shown us the world in a different way; dancing acts as a factor of social cohesion, which means that it helps us to consolidate relationships, that’s how when we dance with a partner we tend to create a strong connexion with them, because not only our body is in a constant link but also our emotions. Symbolically talking, when a couple move together they become one.

Are all human beings good dancers?

Everyone has dreamed at least once about being the king or queen of the dance floor, to make that dream come true you have to be a “good dancer”; so what is a good dancer then? according to our society, someone who shows variability, flexibility and creativity is perceived as good dancer. On the other hand, repetitive, rigid and twitchy movements are not particularly good. It is true that you have to learn techniques in order to dance properly, however, we all know that when it comes to dancing for fun the only thing that really matters is to let our emotions flow with the rhythm.

Dancing evolved, same as humans did

Along history we have danced for several reasons, from ceremonies, parties and social dances to competitions, manifestations and shows. Dancing has been part of our life since the primitive age and all cultures have utilized it as an expression way. Nowadays to dance has a social value, it has brought us conscious of who we are and of what we represent. There are even a lot of people who have been rescued from drugs, vandalism or bad habits, because they have decided to dance as a way of investing their time, giving a meaning to their lives. Dancing is synonym of art, so we have the power of transforming our world by doing art, and if you are able to appreciate that transformation, then you can delight in the little pleasures of life.