Prepare your Teens for Graduation Dance

Graduation dance parties are around the corner. Boost your teens confidence by preparing them privately to learn the basic steps, how to approach a friend and ask them to dance, the proper manners on where and how to place the hands and feet, and ethics on the dance floor. its a great opportunity to work on social skills through dance.

Here are some different benefits dance has for Teenagers:

Dance Keeps Teenagers Physically Fit

If it seems like your teen is glued to their phone, then there’s no better way to get them up and moving than with dance classes! Dance keeps kids in touch with their bodies, even in a wider society that often encourages them to be sedentary. Dance is good for teenagers’ hearts, lungs, and bones. It increases their strength, stamina, and flexibility, while also encouraging good posture and body awareness.

Graduation dance can be the beginning of building dance skills

When teens participate in dance, they build essential life skills such as resilience, discipline, and determination. They learn to persist in their goals, in spite of failure, because learning to dance inevitably involves its fair share of stops and starts. They will learn self-esteem, self-respect, and self-confidence, which can translate to improved performance in other areas of their life, as well. Many parents find that their teens’ grades in school begin to improve after they join dance, and that they are able to better handle their emotions. Graduation dance is the perfect scenario for them to practice how to approach with confidence, to their peers in a safe, respectful and fun way.

Dance Builds Friendships

Many dance students develop lifelong friendships in our dance classes. Long hours spent working towards a common goal oftentimes translates to an unbreakable bond, unlike any that your teen will have experienced before. From the magic of performing on stage, to realizing their dreams in competition, the wealth of memories your tween or teen will build with their newfound dance family are sure to last them a lifetime.

With the transitions that teenagers are going through, it can be hard for them to socialize with peers at school or at other activities. When teenagers build their confidence in dancing, their confidence also helps their social skills. They become confident in themselves and who they are as a person. This confidence will help them be more comfortable with socializing and there is no better opportunity to introduce them than Graduation dance season.
Dance Boosts Memory and Cognitive Performance
Dance activates several parts of the brain at once, including those that work with memory and muscle memory. Constantly memorizing choreography for class will help your teenager improve their long-term memory, which is a skill that they can take with them for the rest of their life. It is exceptional mental exercise, in a world that often encourages teens to turn off their brains the moment that they get home from school.

Dance Improves Emotional Health

Dance is not only beneficial for teenagers’ physical health, but their emotional health, as well. Your child’s teenage years are rife with hormonal changes and peer pressure, which can amount to extreme stress. Today, more teens than ever before are experiencing serious mental health challenges, such as anxiety and depression, as a result. When your teen exercises, such as through dance, their brain will release endorphins, can improve their mood and their overall feeling of mental wellbeing. In addition, dance will give your teen something to focus on other than their daily stressors, such as school or their peers. Taking time off from these difficulties is essential to maintaining positive emotional health. Lastly, dance provides a safe way for children to express themselves, which can further boost their mood. They will start, if not already, having house and friend parties, graduation parties and maybe take part of family parties where they can have fun by moving to the music.

Teenagers are at a point in their life where they start trying to figure life out and sometimes struggle to do it. Dance has several benefits for teenagers when it comes to their development and should be enrolled in a teen ballet class.

Builds confidence and self-esteem

A teenager in high school can experience low self-esteem from other teenagers, peers, or friends. Dancing helps teenagers build their confidence and self-esteem. When performing a dance in front of people, dancers have to be confident in what moves they are doing. If they are not confident in there dance moves, they are most likely to make a mistake.

Showmanship and performance abilities

Teenagers will (learn) to perform in front of audiences without fear or stage fright. Gaining showmanship and performance abilities also teach a teenager to have a strong work ethic when they are old enough to have a job.

  • Learn to work for what they want – To have dance moves perfected, dancers have to strive and practice to achieve the dance goals that they want. This is a great way for teenagers to learn to work for what they want in their daily life.
  • Nutrition – Healthy nutrition helps dancers take care of their bodies, so they can have the ability to perform the moves that they want. Dance teachers will make sure to educate dancers what they need to have healthy nutrition. This will help teenagers benefit in their constant hunger and growth.
  • Improves balance – Stamina is a requirement to fulfill tricky dance moves, or to hold a dance move for a long period of time. Dancing helps improve balance, and even prevents dizziness. Special training is taught in dance classes to keep dancers from becoming dizzy during turns.
  • Muscle strength – Teenagers will develop muscle strength in their arms, legs, and abdomen.
    Improve memory – Dancing activates the part of the brain that works with memory and muscle memory. As dancers constantly learn dances, they constantly have to memorize. Dancers will become used to constantly memorizing that it will occur in their daily life as well. For teenagers, this can help them study for exams and build long-term memory.
  • Discipline – Teenagers want to start being independent by doing what they want when they want. The discipline taught in dance classes can help teenagers learn to be independent in a healthy way. Learning to be independent is not a bad thing. But, doing it the correct way will help the relationship between the teenager and their parents, friends, and other loved ones.


Check out or Private classes with instructors experienced on beginners, that will make them feel at ease and motivated to learn, and who knows, initiate a new hobby!


Learn more about StepFlix and other things that could work great at a Graduation Dance.



Learn more: Dance therapy and its influence on lifestyle